Mobile App Development Trends That Are Reshaping The Mobile Realm in 2019
Mobile App Development Trends That Are Reshaping The Mobile Realm in 2019
A global digital report by We are Social found that the number of smartphone users across the globe has cross 5 billion – a massive spike that emphasizes why the growth of and demand for mobile app development is not going to drop anytime soon. People are now paying close attention to newer mobile technologies to know what they can expect in the future replacements of their personal mobile devices. 

The arrival of new mobile technologies and the shift in mobile user behavior are impacting how mobile app development is done. Almost every leading mobile app development company in UAE have adopted app development practices that deliver the best value to app users as satisfied app users directly translate to a more profitable app with greater chance of success. 

To build an app good enough to succeed, developers should constantly update themselves on industry-best practices, and changing app development and user experience trends.
Here are a few that’s reshaping the app market and the mobile realm in 2019.

Mobile wallets

Traditional modes of payment are gradually being replaced by frictionless, convenient modes of payment using payment gateways. For the past couple of years, people have been experimenting with payment methods embracing many convenient methods while rejecting others. The transition from cash to credit to debit to mobile wallets and the dominance of mobile commerce forced many businesses with mobile apps to capitalize on idea of mobile wallet.

In 2019, we saw more apps being built featuring payment gateway integrations and mobile wallets with robust security features. 

IoT & wearable devices

Wearable smart devices and the Internet of Things are generally seen by the public as expensive technologies. But with many tech giants investing in IoT and wearable tech, people are starting to accept them more. The affordability constraint has apparently faded away. As more businesses are coming forward to diversify into the field, many trusted companies offering iOS and Android app development in Dubai are preparing to meet the rising demand and growing dominance of the Internet of Things. 


AR & VR is said to have lost the momentum it gained last year. But this doesn’t seem to be the case. AR and VR are already being leveraged to redefine the user experience of web and mobile applications. At present, they are utilized more in the gaming industry. Before this year ends however, we will see AR and VR making their way into mapping and utility apps.


We will be seeing notable shifts in the influence of Instant Apps, Beacon technology, mobile security etc. in the coming months. With mobility being generally considered as a major convenience standard, businesses that are reluctant to invest in mobile application development would soon notice their competitors outrunning them in the market. Mobile apps can be a great asset for businesses that are looking forward to faster growth in the coming years.