5 Basic Testing Steps Every Developer Should Know
5 Basic Testing Steps Every Developer Should Know

It is often recommended by software development companies in Dubai to conduct more software testing even from the time of the development phase in order to reduce defects.

There are some basic and fundamental software testing steps to be executed by every software developer before passing on the code to any Software Testing Companies in Dubai for extensive testing. 

1 Elementary Functionality Testing

Start by ensuring that every button on every screen works and make sure that you can write a simple text into each field without crashing the software. Before submitting for intensive testing, especially if the feature is built to be accessed by an API make sure that the basic API functionality works as expected. If your basic functionality testing detects something that does not work inform your testing beforehand and do not leave in any surprises for them.

2 Peer Review Your Code

Bringing in another set of eyes would help you discover a lot of missing elements in your code. If peer review is recommended for your code, bring in your team mate just before you hand over the code to the testing team. Bear in mind to do your elementary functionality testing before submitting for peer review.

3 Analyze Your Static Code

There are many static analysis tools available that can perform an analysis on source without execution. These tools can look out for many vulnerabilities in the source code, such as security issues and potential concurrency issues.  Moreover, these can enforce coding standards and be configured to run automatically as part of the build.   

4 Unit Testing 

Unit test cases are developed to make sure that the unit (can be a method class or component) is working as anticipated and test with a range of valid and invalid inputs. In a ongoing integration environment, unit tests should be employed every time any change is made to the source code repository and you execute them on your development machine as well. 

To ensure that their units can be tested independently developers also work with mock objects and virtualized services.  If you meet a failure while executing a unit test, fix it before anybody else touch your code.

5 Single-user Performance Testing

Some team are highly performance oriented that they have load and performance testing merged with their continuous integration process and execute load tests as soon as code is logged in. This comes especially true for back-end code. But developers should not forget about single-user performance on the front end and ensure that the software is responsive when it is on use. 

If you find a lag of a few seconds to display a web page taken from a local or emulated webserver, figure out what client-side code is slowing things down, and resolve it. 

Striking the Right Balance

Take the time to run as many of these tests times as much as possible because it would save your time as well as your colleagues while performing software testing in Dubai in the long run. But you should be able to strike the right balance between your time for coding and testing in a ratio that suits you. Rolling out a software that is easy to use requires exactly such a balance.