6 Best Principles of Agile Testing
6 Best Principles of Agile Testing

With the software development realm evolving to be more complex, strategy towards the software testing in Dubai needs to evolve along with it to keep up with the changing development approaches.

Agile testing is a novel approach in software testing which is centred on making testing smarter and delivering good quality products. It also requires a concerted effort on the side of both the testers and developers.

The testers in any software company in Dubai are required to provide corrective and continuous feedback to the development team during the different stages of software development. 

What is Agile Testing?

Agile testing is a software testing process that is developed in the lines of agile software development. Agile testing aligns with the iterative software development approach in which requirements gradually arise from customers and testing teams. The development is in line with customer requirement. Agile testing is not a sequential process but continuous. In companies providing agile software development services, the testing commences at the initial phase of the project and there is a continuous integration between testing and development. The usual objective of agile development and testing is to achieve a good quality product. 

Principles of Agile Testing

  1. Testing is an ongoing process: Agile software testing teams tests, the software products intermittently because it is the only way to confirm continuous progress of the product.
  2. On-going feedback: Agile testing provides feedback in repetitive iterations to constantly check if the product meets the required business needs.
  3. Testing is a team effort: In a conventional software development life cycle, testing was the sole responsibility of the testing team. But in the case of agile testing, the developers, as well as the business analysts, are part of the testing process.
  4. Low feedback response time: As the business team is also involved in each phase of agile testing and hence the continuing feedback reduces the response time considerably. 
  5. Simple and effective code: As all the defects raised during each phase of testing are fixed within the same phase it helps in evolving a simple and effective team.
  6. Less documentation: As agile testing follows an iterative approach, there is less focus on documentation.